Wednesday, 4 March 2009


No pictures today. In between running errands yesterday, my painting and drawing efforts were focused on my Royal Academy entry. I'm nearly back to the stage I was before Monday's fiasco- yippee!!!!!I've decided to modify my original concept so spent some time playing with some new ideas. As a result I did a nice quick hand drawing!

I seem to be going through a caricature block at the moment - maybe I should call it "caricaturaphobia" or "anti-comeditis". Oooh that makes it sound much, much worse, don't feel so bad now! Still not inspired but definitely better...

In the evening I finally dragged myself to a BAFA meeting - I joined the group in November but I keep being prevented from getting to meetings and they're only once a month. After one of the quickest AGM's I've ever been to must have been a whole 5 minutes. I tried my hand at Glass painting - not happy with the results but it's not really my scene - I prefer coloured glass to painted glass. I finally got the knack with the relief outliner tubes, just as I was finishing. I'm not in the least motivated to improve on my attempts - too many other things I want to work on.

Now for the most exciting thing that happened today is there's an opportunity to exhibit up to 6 pictures as Stowe school next month . Now... do I think I'm ready for that? You betch! Far too good an opportunity to pass up - just got to decide which ones! Choices, choices. Then it's time to get the framing stuff out - mount cutters here I come!

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