Monday, 2 March 2009

Blue boy #2

CIMG3588 I'm beginning to think I should rename my blog "Drawn to Portraiture" as I seem to be posting more regular portraits rather than the funny ones. This is another of my nephews, the likeness isn't quite as good on this one but there is some similarity. My son, Dominic, thinks they're creepy because they're blue. I quite like them - but I'm biased. I've mixed feeling about this one. I like the effect but the likeness isn't too hot probably only a 4 out of 10.

Mixed sums up today on the whole. This morning the forms for the Summer exhibition arrived -now I've just got to complete the picture. The painting, however, didn't go well and I've decided to paint out what I did today and start again - sigh!

We were also celebrating Andrew's sister Judi reaching 40 - so generally in a good mood. Then we had news that their elderly aunt died this morning - she was in her nineties. It was expected but she will be sorely missed. RIP Doreen.

Let's hope tomorrow will be better

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