Friday, 13 March 2009

A shooting caricature

img003 At last another caricature. Finally I have the image scanned. There's a scanning flaw - the white line over Brian's face - which I have tried to correct but my image editing skills are not up to the task when working with the image remotely i.e on the desktop of another computer.

So here it is in nearly all it's glory. Ranking pretty close to a ten but not quite there yet - there's always room for improvement.

I've avoided procrastinating today. (popping champagne bottle sound) Some progress achieved on the comp entry. I even managed to do the etherial face and I'm almost happy with it. It needs a little touching up. The background is looking less impressive. Sometimes I feel painting is a process of one step forward and three back but I think today might be more forward steps than back.

I also discussed another commission with a client today, I'm awaiting details and no deadline has been discussed but it should be fun.

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