Monday, 30 March 2009

Self portrait

CIMG3686Last night we took part in the Earth hour. If you haven't heard about it the idea is to improve awareness about climate change by everyone turning off all electrical devices for one hour - all at the same time. There didn't seem to be too many people supporting it locally, and we still had street lights.

Anyway, between 8.30 and 9.30pm we were plunged into candlelight. To pass the hour I decided to try a candlelight portrait. Apart from the fact I hate the way I look and never like self portraits, this is a good likeness. The speed is improving as well. This was virtually done in an hour. (And all managed without singing the paper.) When I started this blog I was dubious about it's value, but looking back over past posts is helping me to keep plugging away.

Progress on the Royal academy entry continues 9 days to go and counting... The end is in sight and I might even finish the picture. I've never done a picture this large (76x120cm) and ambitious before and it's my first acrylic. Consequently, I've had several technical problems to iron out.

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