Thursday, 12 February 2009

John Krasinski

John KrasinskiI have a confession to make! When asked by Reeta if it was bad that she saw John Krasinski in the  Leonardo Di Caprio portrait (see comments), my initial thought was "Who He?". After very little research my ignorance was removed. He's one of the cast of the American remake of "The Office. " Being UK based we haven't seen the American remake of "The Office." Fans of Ricky Gervais beware, their cast is much better looking! How it compares comedy wise, I know not, but they've made 81 episodes of the US version whereas Gervais did a "quit while you're ahead" stopping at a mere 14.

Anyway I managed to get my pastels out after yesterday's fiasco and did John, as promised. He still needs a little touching up but he's virtually there. As you work on a picture you develop blind spots - often you need to leave it for a while and come back. Then you can spot where it needs more work. He's got quite a lopsided face and it was tricky not to go too far with the nose, mouth and chin. Trying not to think of "The Joker" was also a problem, you know how it is, like when someone tells you not to think of elephants...

I also suspect at least one of my pictures was distorted - hope I've got the face in proportion. Sorry John if it isn't.

Oh yes, and I seem to remember when I drew Drew Barrymore (cringe) the first time in pastel, I said I wouldn't do a portrait in pastel on A4 paper again, I wish I'd remembered that when I started!

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