Saturday, 15 November 2008


Well, didn't win anything in the competition. There's still "best in show" but, judging by how the other votes went, that's unlikely. All the winners were architectural pictures. I wasn't too impressed with the top 2 winners -intermediate and experienced. That's not to say they were bad. It's not really sour grapes either, although I was disappointed and would have liked to have won. It's just I thought there were plenty more worthy candidates, ones I would have been happy to lose to! Looking around, I think my entry was too challenging for the style of competition. The winners were fairly safe and obvious interpretations of the theme. I know for next time, do something that's a local view of Buckingham and I'll stand a better chance! Anyway, all part of the learning curve -oh no cliche alert! I must look into some other competitions and get my head down to some serious painting...

I'll be back!

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