Thursday 27 May 2010

Bald female and beautiful? Sinead O'Connor, Britney Spears or Natalie Portman!

Baldness is not a state associated with beautiful women.
I start with Sinead O’Connor here. The trouble with a name like Sinead –or any name beginning with S I imagine- is, if you shave your head, you’re going to get called “Skinhead” O’Connor, Like it or not. She certainly was tagged that in our household. Sorry Sinead!
Sinead OConnor
I’ve been trying to find a clip where Ross’s girlfriend in friends shaves her head – so, if anyone can find it can you send me the link, please.
Ok, so Sinead was an obvious one, so I got to thinking who else has been bald and I remembered Britney Spears deforestation a few years back. So there was no doubt there. I thought about the school uniform theme but it felt a bit creepy. So went for the catsuit/body-stocking effect. Only slightly less creepy perhaps?!
Britney Spears 001
I really struggled to find number three. Bald female celebrities, which weren’t just photoshop efforts, seem to be defeating the object. I eventually found Natalie Portman here.
Natalie Portman

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible

Due to a family emergency this weeks post has been delayed. I hope to get back to normal soon.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Country singers and big hair – dream caricatures!

What is it about American Country music that encourages it’s female stars to have such big hair.


I confess to being more than a little jealous of Crystal Gale’s hair. Just look at it!

As a child I always wanted hair I could sit on. It never grew quite long enough, stopping in the small of my back. My best friend’s was a few inches longer but still never reached the target length. It makes you wonder whether some kind of rack device was used… that or some hair extensions – pah! 

I had a request to do Crystal here and wondered who else in Country music could I do. Dolly Parton, another fan of the oversized barnet!




So, I present 2 established figures even I can recognise - not being a Country and Western Fan.


Crystal GayleAnd Dolly!

Dolly Parton

So, could this be a feature of this genre of singers. Further digging produced a new contender for the “Big Hair” crown…

who I’ve never heard of! Sorry any Carrie Underwood fans, but I didn’t know her name until I downloaded the photo on Sunday. To make up for my ignorance, here she is!

Carrie Underwood

I suspect some artificial assistance is used by a lot of these stars, they look far too good for their age -with the exception of Carrie who looks about right.

Dolly Parton* for instance, freely admits she’s had work done. Whilst not a fan of cosmetic surgery. I prefer people who fess up compared to those who obviously have work done and deny it.

I’ve learnt four unconnected things as well.

1. My pens need topping up/replacing

2. I need to clean the scanner bed

3. Doing eyes is making me cross-eyed.

4. I’m not that keen on doing hair! (Shocking when most people I talk to say drawing hair is their favourite bit.)

With the forth point in mind, maybe I should try some bald people for next week.

Sinead O’Connor immediately comes to mind… any other suggestions? Please add them to the comments.

*Sorry for Wiki link here. I decided against Dolly’s page - it was too annoying and slow and had a flash page!!!!

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Interview with Cathy Read on

imageNews flash:

I’ve just had an email to say I’m featured on Yes, little old me! I did the interview back in January, it seems strange to see it now. I’m a bit nervous about the whole PR thing,  keep thinking “Why did I say that?”I’ve learnt so much about presentation since then.

Hello and Thank you to anyone who’s just followed the link from Whopple and a big Thank you to Anne Marie for including me in the interviews.

Off to paint now, will be back on Tuesday with my regular article.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Caricaturing the Fantastic 4 - I mean 3! Ioan Grudffud, Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis

After my Jessica Alba picture last week, this one is for the ladies. Why should men have all the eye candy?

So, to business, here is Michael Chiklis who plays “Thing”- well, from the neck down at least.

Michael Chiklis

Chris Evans

Next to him is Chris Evans who plays the “Human Torch” – not to be confused with this Chris Evans - the radio 2 DJ for all you Brits out there.

Before you ask. I decided to keep the heads “normal” for no particular reason. I just felt like it, OK? You got a problem with that?…

Ioan Gruffud

And finally the lovely Ioan Gruffud as Mr Fantastic!

Now there’s lovely! in Welsh accent

The “rubber man” as I prefer to call him. But then I’m not a Marvel comics aficionado! Not his best role, that will forever be “Hornblower” in my eyes. But then, he could read aloud a telephone directory and I’d be happy! There are few actors who share that honour.

So there we have my charictures  no carictures  no caricatures for the week. I’m really struggling with the spelling of caricatures today!!! My brains melting with all this fantastic 4 malarkey.

Next week - I’ve had a request Crystal Gale and I think I might do Dolly Parton as well. Go for a big hair or Country and Western theme – any suggestions?

See you next Tuesday!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Jessica Alba – the invisible caricature - 1/4 fantastic four.

I’ve found out who Jessica Alba is now! Ironically I did know her, just not her name!
Knowing who she is at least helps me to identify an suitable comedic reference. I enjoyed “The fantastic four”, although mainly for Ioan Gruffudd who’s been a favourite of mine since he did Hornblower.Somehow, Jessica just can’t hold my attention in the same way! I wonder why?
(Raised eyebrows and wry smile)
My initial thought was a blank page. Good joke? Perhaps but a bit of a cheat.
I then thought about having a city skyline.
Just a city skyline. I really liked that idea. But it’s a bit of a cop out!
Eventually, I decided on this option!
 Jessica Alba 001
It’s a bit of a compromise but I like the overall effect.
To change the subject, my mother’s now a silver surfer. So I have to say “Happy Birthday Mum!”.
Finally, on a different topic, I’ve decided to drop the frequency of my blog entries. My original goal of daily is proving too time consuming. The content and my artwork are suffering. As I want to be an artist, not a professional blogger, spending hours writing blog entries is counter intuitive.
So, as of this post, I will be updating the blog once a week. On a Tuesday to avoid being caught up in Bank holidays. I may post more, if something exciting is happening but I’ve decided to commit to just one entry a week and improve the quality. Hopefully I’ll then have a group of caricatures to upload, rather than just the one.
So, what next? Hmm… I feel a fantastic four theme approaching!
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