Monday, 29 June 2009

Developing style

Emerging Fire

Recently I've been struggling with the impetus to do caricatures. I want to do abstracts and all my creativity seems to be focused on generating new abstract ideas. So I've decided to go with the flow and crate the abstracts. So, this is today's post, it's entitled emerging fire.

Other progress is I've started another acrylic painting of a street skater. I love it when the children are back at school...

I've also been writing my CV... and it isn't very long. When I consider my Occupational Therapy CV, it's laughable. Still, I have to start somewhere. Next step is choosing the pictures and emailing galleries. I've also got to decide which pictures to get made up into cards.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Paul McCartney

A relatively quick sketch today, or it would have been if I hadn't done the hair black. Grey would have been better. Anyway, here's Macca! I thought I'd add a few iconic background props, a feeble excuse to draw a mini. I like minis! I thought I'd play with the features a bit. His eyes do slope, but not quite that much. I seem to have a likeness.

Paul McCartney

He looks really scared though, maybe I should bring the eyebrows down, or give him something to be scared off, like a beefburger!

Friday, 26 June 2009

A new conspiracy

I've not posted for a few days because life is taking over again...

Tuesday, delivered completed commission, client very happy, got paid. Returned home to start painting - had bought some lilies for the purpose. Received phone call, could I collect Siobhan she was feeling sick! The rest of the day was comforting her and trying to celebrate my birthday... I've had better.

Wednesday, craft day, swimming and friends husband involved in major car accident. Fortunately all involved survived and injuries relatively minor. Evening spent at A and E department...

Yesterday - I was in a non-functional state due to lack of sleep the night before. Despite this, I started some abstracts which were finally finished today. I've started another figure painting, just pencils lines so far. Hopefully I'll get some more done tomorrow.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Liam Gallagher

I'm not a fan of the Gallagher brothers although I don't mind their music, it's just them and their public fights. So why do Liam, well, why not. He's a public figure and he makes a good, if moody, caricature. The eyes really surprised me, there really is that big a gap in the corners near the nose - no exaggeration. He definitely has a haggard look.

Liam Gallagher

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Another abstract.

I've finished my commission, I think, I often find some small detail I've missed but I think it's done. As I can't reveal it yet I've decided to post another abstract. This one's called "Dancing with fire".

Dance in the flames 001

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Mitchell and Webb

Today I've been cracking on with my commission. Nearly finished but I won't be able to post it for a few months. So I thought a quickish caricature might be the order of the day. So here are Mitchell and Webb. They're popular comedians in the UK. I've absolutely no idea about the poses, just fancied doing them like this. Well, it makes me laugh.

Mitchell and Webb

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Inspiring day!

After yesterday's non starter today was much better. Wednesdays is always an active day, relatively speaking where structured activity allows little time for portraits and caricatures. Not surprising that I didn't get much done until this evening's life drawing class. Not my best work but there are some good bits. This was a 20 minute sketch. It's a bit blotchy because I overdid the fixative. CIMG3902

I've also had some ideas for new pictures - all duly noted. I've learnt the had way that you should always write your ideas down when you have them, and still I get ideas in bed at night that I don't write down and now I can't remember what it was..gnash, gnash, gnash!!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

BAFA Art Gallery

First thing, I finished off a couple to abstracts I did yesterday. This one is called "Mine's a red!" It's my second attempt and I think the wineglass has worked better this time!I'll have a red! 001

The rest of my precious painting time was spent at a Buckingham Arts for all Gallery meeting. The idea is to have a not for profit gallery to exhibit local painters works and do community projects. This is very early planning but it was an exciting meeting with lots of ideas and potential premises discussed. Question is do we aim big from the start - old Cinema site - or look at a smaller project with a view to something bigger in the future!!!!! It would be fantastic to try for big, but we'll see...

In the evening I tried to do some more drawing but was distinctly uninspired so started playing "What if" with shapes and images to see if something clicked. I remain uninspired!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Abstract complete

Well, here it is "Revealed" this is the abstract I've been working on for so long. I'm about 99% happy with it but still wondering about the colour of the cord. There is a hint of a portrait in there and even a hand, if you look closely. I decided to keep the big head shape more abstract. The original plan was to include eye detail but I liked the contrast and still think it doesn't need anymore. The hair was fun but I need to improve my icing bag skills...


Sunday, 14 June 2009

Elvis is in the picture!

I decided to try Elvis again tonight. As usual now I've uploaded it I've spotted something I need to touch up but I think it can wait until until morning and natural light. His left eye needs to be darker and the picture needs cropping. I've spent most of today on Domestic activities - mainly the garden. I can now sit outside and draw without thinking of all the things that need doing. Just wondering how soon it will be before the dog digs more holes and undoes all the hard work.

Elvis Presley

Saturday, 13 June 2009

I hate computers

Very little drawing done today. When I wasn't at the school fete, I was fighting with computers. A combination of lack or free space and software incompatibilities. Sooo frustrating!!!!!

I did get to look around a few of the Bucks Open Studios interesting.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Boy on a roof - retouched.


OK, so you've seen this picture before, but I have altered it slightly, honest, mainly around the eyes. I decided to post the finished version as the rest of my working time has been spent on a commission. I've reached the stage where I can start painting, but I need to check the client is happy before I start that, I think she should be, I am.

More good news, I've been commissioned to do an animal picture in acrylic. Just waiting for the pictures then I can get started...

Thursday, 11 June 2009

It's Trisha Goddard, I think.

OK I hove to confess, I'm not sure who this is. I don't watch daytime TV so I'm not familiar with her. I just googled the name, along with several other names. Alas I didn't put a name with the picture, hence the vagueness on the name. It's a good likeness to the picture, though.

Trisha Goddard

So today has been frustrating but not unsuccessful. I had Dominic off sick, again. He doesn't stop me working and isn't really demanding but the lack of "not being responsible" time is quite draining, psychologically. Still, he can't help being ill,poor lad.

I've finally applied the eyelets to my big abstract.More than a few technical problems there. Mainly due to the eyelets needing to be over the stretcher bars. Still I managed to solve the problem with a butter baller. A gadget I was given years ago, used once and have never used since. It's finally found it's vocation!

Monday, 8 June 2009

Not quite finished, yet!

This picture is not quite finished yet, but I'm nearly there. I need to lighten the eyes.

Today I've been exploring the delights of sculpting acrylics. I love 3D mediums... It's not as clean as I wanted it, in my mind, but I think that works better for shoes. CIMG3890

I really love the effect. I just have to resist the urge to touch them before they're dry. More to the point, keep little fingers off.

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Matt Lucas

The painting is progressing slowly. I need to get the face less manic- mainly because I haven't finished the eyes yet, and the lack of hair doesn't help. Which brings me to today's offering, Matt Lucas.

Matt Lucas

I found the the picture in today's Times magazine when I was in the coffee shop at Tesco - Wow my life is one big roller coaster ride of excitement and adventure. The original picture was of his full head but I quite liked the idea of a partial crop. He's the complete opposite of yesterday's post, no facial or head hair! The lack of eyebrows was completely weird but he does have eyelashes.

I'm quite pleased with the result and the tear has worked OK. I've also discovered how to add watermarks!!!!!!!

Friday, 5 June 2009

Bob Marley meets Cousin It

Well, I managed to do a caricature I was happy with, and all before midnight, too! I'm on a roll. I was going with a laid back body, but then I thought of Cousin It and with that hair...

Bob Marley[4]

Eye strain

I'm posting early tonight, in case I don't get any pictures finished this evening. My abstract has stalled for a while as I'm trying to get some large eyelets and the chap on the market isn't getting anymore until Tuesday -hopefully. So, I've started another acrylic picture, commenced yesterday. I used the sock technique which works well for backgrounds. Then spent most of yesterday peeling off a thick layer of acrylic paint from my fingertips - wonder if it's any good for skin? I doubt it as art materials have a history of being nasty either toxic or corrosive, frequently both.

The picture is progressing well, although I did get a bit distracted today as I had some ebay items finishing which were going well. Spot the OCD tendencies. I've been selling off a collection of Queen memorabilia to fund my art materials - I really need some commissions! I've also been continuing with my trawl through gallery web sites and nominated one for a "Web sites that Suck" award! I'm still amazed by some of the rubbish that passes for art - I'm seriously considering sending some of my life drawing class work to galleries. It's much better than the stuff they're selling as finished art! Especially Tracey Emin's latest efforts - but I'll avoid getting on my hobby horse about her!

Surprisingly Siobhan liked the Miley Cyrus picture! I'm going to try some more quick caricaturing tonight, I need to get my speed up again. I missed the deadline for the Bedfordshire County show so I'm aiming for either an August Bank holiday fair or a Steam Rally and art fair in September - all the other stuff is too far logistically.

I also had a letter today from a schoolboy looking for work experience as he wants to be an artist and caricaturist. I haven't replied yet but I think I might be able to offer him something useful!

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Best laid plans...Miley Cyrus

I've been having a distinctly off day, drawing wise, today. I'd not had chance to do any drawing until the Life drawing class, this evening, and I'm really not happy with anything I've produced there.

So, thoroughly demoralised after the class, I thought I'd try some quick caricatures. Siobhan has been pestering me to do some people who "children would know" and gave me a selection of suitable pictures. After several failed attempts, I finally present Miley Cyrus who is apparently "Hannah Montana". I'm moderately pleased with this one but it still hasn't quite got the "IT" factor I've been trying to achieve. More practice... now where have I heard that before?

Miley Cyrus

Siobhan actually hates Hannah Montana, so why she suggested her I've no idea. I freely admit, I've been actively discouraging any tendency towards interest in this programme or the equally cringe-worthy "High Street Musical", and any other ghastly pre-teenybopper craze! Question is will this screw her up for the rest of her life or have I chosen the road to salvation...? I think probably the latter, but I'm biased.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Trawling the web.

Spent most of my painting time on abstracts today. I haven't scanned any as they're still drying. The rest of my time I engaged in the mind-numbingly dull pastime of trawling the internet identifying suitable galleries to approach to send promo letters to. There are so many and I want to kill myself! Brain hurting! Also some of the art they display is so bad or really tacky virtual porn! Maybe I'm a prude but there are some things I really don't want to see, images I wish I hadn't had imposed on my consciousness. Another thing that really annoys me that there are so many charlatans earning vast sums of money for rubbish. Especially when I know there are so many talented people producing good and exciting art. Right, I'll step down from my hobby horse.

Spent a lovely meeting at the BAFA meeting. Painting with socks. Can't wait to give it a go, know what I want to do!!!!! However it will have to wait until Thursday as I'll have no time to do it tomorrow. Time for bed.

Monday, 1 June 2009

More rejection!

Andrew went beyond the call of duty today and collected my entry from the Royal Academy and crossed the Thames to take it to the "Not the Summer Exhibition" at the Llwellyn Alexander Gallery. They didn't want it either. Andrew said the work was very traditional, which begs the question why they market the exhibition's patrons as saying "many have commented that this alternative exhibition contains more original and exciting work!" Obviously their definition of original is not mine! Original in my book, as it's used here, indicates different! So I need to find an exhibition which suits the style of art I produce! And if I want to enter the Royal Academy next year do something boring and traditional.

On the up side I've found out I can have my name as a dot com and dot co dot uk domain name!!!!! Whoopee! (Sorry, my life is very limited at the moment, just got the children back at school so I've got to get the excitement where I can.) Just got to wait for the processing to complete and they're mine, all mine (increasingly higher pitched Vincent Price style voice) Mwa ha ha haaaaaaaaaaH!!!!!!!!!! Then I can finally get around to printing up the cards, prints.....

I think I will probably go with this one, although I have about 4 contenders.

Compass 001

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