Saturday 31 May 2008

Feeling more relaxed

Billie Piper 001 In all the chaos with printers yesterday I didn't write anything specific. I managed to get a nice loose picture of Billie Piper last night , It's the sort of style I'm trying to cultivate. Today's drawings have also been more successful than some recent attempts. I have been concentrating on freeing up the movements and trying to keeps lines to a minimum. I'm also trying to draw in ink first draft so it can be a bit frustrating - I think I've probably said that before. I also thought I'd try a bit of Manga, for a break, lots of fun and very satisfying. I might see if it's possible to caricature in Manga. The restrictions in style might make it difficult to get any sort of likeness but it will be fun to give it a go.

Billie Piper

Thursday 29 May 2008

Scanner meltdown

Doctor Who I didn't get chance to post yesterday. Not much drawing done as my youngest was ill and wanted +++++cuddles. This is a worked up drawing of David Tennant as Doctor who rather than a new one as I was feeling very uninspired yesterday. Got a couple of Copic pens which are lovely. Need to get used to the nibs, more chance to practice. Tried scanning todays pics in but after scanning in the one on the left I was unable to scan anything else. I also did Catherine Tate (Donna) but couldn't scan it. Need to consult my technical adviser - AKA Andrew.

I suspect it might be new scanner time, I've had the current one over 3 years now and they do seem to have a built in "self destruct" button which kicks in after 3 years.

I've been working on the Doctor's assistants. I've done Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) and I've had one go at Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) but slipped at the inking in stage and need to have another go. I'll insert them once I've resolved the scanner issue.Catherine Tate

Hooray I finally got them to scan!!!!!!

Freema Agyeman

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Plodding along

David Tennat2 A better day for drawing today. Had another t2 tries at David Tennant. I managed to include his body this time. Also attempted Catherine Tate, I managed the likeness but wasn't overly happy with the final picture. I just have to keep plugging away.

Tuesday 27 May 2008

So little time so much to do

It's not been a good day drawing wise. Didn't get to sit down and draw until 11pm, too much going on the rest of the day. Struggled with this one a bit, nearly gave up and started again but found the problem and managed to fix it. So here's David Tennant, I thinDavid Tennantk I will probably have another go at him tomorrow but for all things considered it's not a bad effort.

Sunday 25 May 2008

Plugging away

Spent some time drawing from the TV and copying comic ideas for backgrounds. Need to continue to develop my own but I'm trying to pick up the cartoon techniques and tricks so that they come more naturally. I still have to think to include the cartoon elements such as movement lines. Feeling much more confident today, I've AnnaFord20080525managed to get a likeness of Anna Ford from the TV last night although it's very sketchy and rough I've included it so hopefully I can look back and see some progress.

I've also been working on a picture of Amanda Holden today. After the 4th attempt, I managed to do a picture that I'm pleased with. The first two attempts were straight into ink but I'm still tending to be a bit too heavy with the pen around the nose and mouth to get a likeness which doesn't look like her grandmother. more practice required... AmandaHolden20080525 The blog seems to be a good way to galvanise my activities and focus my energies. I've switched to Windows live writer to update the blog. It allows more manipulation of the pictures than the one blogspot provide. Any techies reading this will probably know of a better one, but this is sufficient for my current needs.

Answer to last Sunday's picture is...John Travolta!

Saturday 24 May 2008

Drawing in ink!

Today's entry is not the best quality and lacks polish but it is one I have drawn straight in ink with no preliminary pencil sketching. I've managed to get a likeness first time. I'm also getting a bit braver with the caricaturing and exaggerating features.SimonCowell20080524

Not had much time to draw so far today but I'm hoping to rectify the situation later on. Spent some time exploring how to incorporate "screentones" onto pictures. I think I've got the basics so you may see some in my future efforts. Watch this space.

Friday 23 May 2008


Feeling much better today. Still nervous but drawings are generally more successful. Generally getting more "cartoony" and venturing to put more comic backgrounds in. This was my favourite from today. Still need to simplify, don't think the greenhouse needed the plants!

Did my first stint drawing in the playground. Again, I was very nervous. First attempt was an unmitigated disaster not helped by eldest son bursting into hysterics when he saw it. "But it's supposed to be funny!" was his response when questioned. Second attempt much better, think I have a likeness and in 5 minutes. Ran out of space on the page though, I was working in A5 (it fits in my handbag) next time I'll try A4 (or A3 if I'm feeling brave). The other problem was the second child seemed unable to stay still - his head slowly but steadily dropping forward as if he was falling asleep - in my previous incarnation I would have said "Poor proprioceptive awareness!" Hopefully get some more drawing done tonight, I'll try the TV drawing again but this time on a nice panel game type show with fewer changes of camera angles.

Thursday 22 May 2008


Not a good day drawing wise. Lots of attempts but nothing that I was pleased with from the quick drawing. The longer drawing were a bit better but still nothing brilliant. I've uploaded Diana Ross but I'm not sure she can count as a caricature as she has such an iconic image.

Quick sketches

Didn't get around to posting yesterday, up late drawing so didn't fancy starting to post after that.
Spent the evening focusing on quick sketches. All of these were done in 10-15 minutes and with no preliminary pencil sketches. Very nervewracking as there is not option to erase lines in the wrong place. The pile of rejects was quite high, these were the ones I felt had a spark of something I want to cultivate. I look at them and see all the flaws but I've managed to catch something of a likeness of the children drawn. The girl with the basket is probably the worst in terms of likeness. I'm not sure why I drew a shopping trolley with the boy to the right. I think a scooter would have been better. Whatever, I was tired and it was late!
The boy with the kite and the one playing with water are probably my favourites. Again room for improvement so I must keep practicing.

I've finally done it and committed myself to caricaturing at the school fete so now there's no backing down and I've got to get my drawing up to scratch if I'm to stand any chance of making this a success.
I'm going to have to start sketching at the playground to try and improve my life drawing. Now to focus on today's offering.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Live portraits!!!!!!!!

Feeling a bit nervous about drawing in public. Plucked up the courage to do some drawing at my son's toddler group today. Results were OK but I can't believe how nervous I felt drawing in public again after so long. Recently I've only done pictures of family or worked from pictures or still life images. People move... No way to avoid it, got to do more stuff in public. Looking at various websites and books, keep going from thinking I can do better than him to I want to do pictures like those. I know I can but I need to practice and hone my skills more. Am I going to be ready by 22nd!!!!!!! So much to do and so little time. Pencils at dawn.

Completed todays offering. Had to photograph it and then upload it after some tweaking so the image quality is a bit poor. These gremlins keep appearing. Still, this is the result. They always look so much tighter when they're reduced!

Monday 19 May 2008


Really enjoyed this one, a few things I'd change the next time I do it but quite a pleasing result. Yes, I'm going to do it again! Lots of practice required. Had a problem scanning the image. I need to find some outlets for my drawing now. Thinking of trying some quickies at my son's school fete on 22nd June. Just need to work on speed and "stock poses", you know the ballet dancer, footballer, etc.

Sunday 18 May 2008


This is todays offering. I have no idea who he is. I think he's a cameraman. He was a background figure in the photos promoting the "Sex in the city" film in the Telegraph magazine this week. Also spent some time on self portraits, (see About me picture) couldn't find any photos I was prepared to have on public view! I freely admit artistic license with the image. This is the figure I would love to have!

Guess who?

Right, managed the basics of uploading images! Thought I'd leave names blank, see if people can guess who this is. I'll post the answer in a week. We'll call it "Image 1" until I can think of something more creative. Comments appreciated but only constructive ones please. I've decided to set myself a goal of publishing an image a day. Nothing for yesterday as I'm not happy with anything I did yesterday, so this one's from Friday.

Saturday 17 May 2008

Off the ground

Only my first entry and I'm already getting writers block. Doesn't bode well for the future. A bit about me. I'm happily married to Andrew and have three children. Going back to my roots and trying to establish myself as a portrait/caricature artist. Daunting prospect but I think I can to it. I need to figure out how to upload some of my pictures so watch this space!
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